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Universal conceptual symbolism

  Human minds persistently ignore all the facts and factors of anxiety, both individual, such as a decrease in the mental coefficient or exclusivity of perception, and group, such as the disappearance of the previous type of person without a trace. They do this not out of someone's malicious intent, but simply from a lack - or a substrate, or a quality of thinking. People live in the past – just look at their artistic preferences. Therefore, many questions of conceptual symbolism simply hang in the air: there is no one to ask them and there is no one to answer them. This is quite sad, because it is not so much about symbols as about the future of the whole species.

  If we leave out the question of the origin of the symbol (or sign, or image - what you like), its conscious or unconscious nature and the brain as a substrate of consciousness, everything remains the same theory about the symbolic nature of our thinking, without which it is meaningless to study the question of the role of the symbol for a person. At the same time, the symbol here – like the famous cat – exists not only in a virtual form, but also exclusively in the reasoning of the observer and it depends on him. And the whole spectrum of events and objects is presented to us in the form of symbols – simply because it is impossible to imagine anything else, just as it is impossible to imagine that when a bug is mentioned, a small bug appears in the brain. Perhaps that is why the symbols differ so much from different people and require great accuracy in verbal description. Unlike hand-drawn characters, where there are few opportunities for improvisation. Such clarity is an indisputable advantage of hieroglyphic writing and appropriate thinking, but at the same time it is also a detail that limits the flight of creative imagination.

  In any case, the symbolic ( or signal, or imagical) nature of human thinking is the factor that influences all its aspects, not only cultural, but also other, philosophical ones as well. In general, philosophy and art complement each other, since they are ways of cognition and conceptual claims to these areas of thought are initially dismissed as irrelevant. And such universality of conceptual symbolism stems only from the method of human thinking, which, being symbolic in its content, uses one or another concept to achieve a formal goal.