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Conceptual Symbolism Painting or depiction of Ideas

Perhaps it is precisely this comment that provides an understanding of the goals and methods of this movement. We have already expressed an opinion about the transitory nature of painting and its details, which depend on the needs and capabilities of society at a given stage. We also paid attention to the imperfection of human drawing techniques, where the machine is ahead of the person in speed and quality.

  The dying out of the “art of drawing” is an objective thing and does not depend on our point of view on art in general. Art today is becoming a part of everyday life, and the artist is turning into a manager. Landscapes, marinas, still lifes, genre scenes and other attributes of old painting fade into oblivion and become ordinary rarities in the world of antiques instead of masterpieces. What is in demand is creativity associated not so much with drawing objects, but with various kinds of their distortions - both optical and mental.

  Post-conceptual art - and, in particular, conceptual symbolism - calls for separating the creative genius of the creator from the work being created, since the genius of the creator is absolute and does not depend on time, and the created object is relative and inscribed in a given time. Summarizing the above, I would like to emphasize that, without in any way denying the historical role of the masterpieces of art of past centuries, their artistic value (as well as any other masterpieces) is about zero.